Happy Holidays! Joyeuses Fêtes!

Thank you both singers and parents for your commitment, support and hard work this term! The concert is still clear in my mind. It was wonderful! Look forward to seeing you on January 12 for our first rehearsal. If you haven’t already, bring your Christmas music!

Merci chanteurs/euses et parents pour votre engagement, appui et travail ce trimestre! Le concert reste avec moi, c’était merveilleux! J’ai hâte de vous voir le 12 janvier à notre première répétition. Apportez la musique de Noël si vous n’avez pas encore fait!

Youth choir – do not forget about Jan 23-25 Winter music camp at Orford!

Chorale des jeunes – n’oublie pas le camp musical à Orford le 23-25 janvier!

Joyeuse fêtes a vous et vos familles.

Happy Holidays to you and your families.


Wow – Bravo!

All Singers – You gave a truly wonderful holiday concert with beautiful singing, emotion and presence. Thank you for being so attentive and giving your best!

Parents – Thank you for your continued support and encouragement! It is not possible without what you do each week!

Youth choir – thank you for taking some risks today. I know it isn’t always easy but in the long run I believe it pays off! We’ll chat tomorrow. Really well done!

I am so proud of both choirs and what you both accomplished and gave to your audience today!

Tomorrow/ Demain:

Children’s Choir party:

The First Christian Reformed Church of Montreal

52 Joseph Paiement

Dollard Des Ormeaux, Qc

H9A 1J1


Monday, Dec 8, 16:45 – 18:15

What to bring:

Everyone should bring snacks to share. No nuts please! Also, could someone provide paper cups, plates &/or serviettes. We also need some drinks (juice, water…) and dessert to share.

I have a small craft to do and we will sing Christmas & Holiday  songs!

Youth choir party:

Conservatory house on MAC campus (where auditions happen!) at 18:30-20:30. Bring $5 for pizza, some drinks, snacks, board games & your Secret Santa present!!!

AND, don’t forget to tell me tomorrow if you are coming to Orford on Jan 23 (Youth choir).

See you all tomorrow!


Children’s choir party snack list

Hi again,

Sarah’s mom, Katrina, has volunteered to organize a list of who is bringing what to the party. Please email her with what you will bring at:


La maman de Sarah va faire une liste de qui amène quoi a la fête! Svp, faites un courriel avec ce que vous apportez à:


Thanks Katrina & all! Merci Katrina & tout le monde!


Children’s Choir Holiday party!!!

Dear Parents,

Our CC party will be on Monday, December 8 at our regular starting time at 16:30. We will finish at 18:00 as I then have to make it to Ste Anne for the youth choir party.

Here are the details:


The First Christian Reformed Church of Montreal

52 Joseph Paiement

Dollard Des Ormeaux, Qc

H9A 1J1

Google map:
Inline image 2



Monday, Dec 8, 16:40 – 18:15

What to bring:

Everyone should bring snacks to share. No nuts please! Also, could someone email me saying they will provide paper cups, plates &/or serviettes. We also need some drinks (juice, water…) and dessert to share?

What is happening:

I hope to prepare a craft for them to do. If anyone is crafty and has ideas, please let me know, I will buy the materials!

Santa may even pop in to see them! We will sing some Holiday songs…

Looking forward to seeing all of your children there!

Please don’t forget the 12:20 arrival at Union Church in uniform on Sunday!!! Please look through their music with them before then and bring their music to give in on Sunday or Monday at the latest!

Many thanks,



Youth choir – party & Orford info

Youth choir Holiday party!

When: Monday, Dec 8, 18:30-20:30

Where: McGill Conservatory House on MacDonald Campus

What to bring:

$5 for pizza

snacks or drinks, could someone bring a dessert?

I will supply the serviettes, plates & cups.

Your secret Santa gift ($10 max!)

Favourite Board games…

Your music to give back!!!

Can not wait…!!!

Orford winter music camp info:

We have finalized the date for Jan 23-25. I need to confirm the number of you attending by next week. The cost will be approximately $180 for the entire weekend.Please let me know by email or at the concert on Sunday. choirs.conservatory@mcgill.ca

(This is for the youth choir only!!!)

In the mean time, keep reviewing your music. You are capable of a fabulous concert so let’s make it that!

Thanks, Penni